Student FAQs

Can I Register Myself for an AMDEC Course?

No. Students who register for AMDEC courses must be enrolled in their local secondary school and must have the assistance and permission of their enrolling school in order to register.

If you have the permission of your enrolling school, your Guidance Counsellor at your school will use PRISM to register you for your approved eLearning course(s).

Once I am registered how can I drop or add an AMDEC course?

All timetable changes are done through the Guidance Counsellor at your enrolling school. Guidance Counsellors at your school use PRISM to add or remove a course from your timetable.

How do I contact my teacher?

Your teacher’s email address can be found in the Course Resources widget on your course homepage once you have begun your course. Highlight and copy your teacher’s email address and paste it into your email.

If I am applying to an Ontario college or university this year for next September, how do my AMDEC marks reach the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) and/or the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC)?

Your enrolling school (the school through which you registered for your AMDEC course and the school that holds your OSR) is responsible for submitting the marks for your AMDEC courses to OUAC and to OCAS. Your report cards will be sent to your school. If you do not see your marks updated on your OUAC and/or OCAS accounts during the mark submission dates, check with your guidance counsellor at your school to ensure that your report card has been received and that your marks have been submitted to OUAC and/or OCAS.

Other Questions?

See the AMDEC Student Handbook.